Saturday, May 17, 2014


CNC (Computer Numerical Control) is a machine that controlled by a computer using a numerical language in process. In other explanation CNC is a flexible method automatically controlling machine through the use of numerical values. So, in CNC machine we didn't use manually operation for example in turning, drilling, and milling using manual or conventional machine. In CNC we can use a computer as an automatically controller for user.
For example below, the CNC machine type milling machine from HAAS :

CNC machine can be analogous as a printer machine. We must design in computer and the execute or print into CNC machine.
Actually, some industry using CNC machines to producing some product, there are two type of CNC machine in manufacturing industry :
  1. CNC Machine Two Axis : This machine using two axis, X axis for perpendicular movement and Z Axis for parallel to rotary axis. For examples : Lathe Machine.
  2. CNC Machine Three Axis : The machine using three axis, X Axis for horizontal direction movements, Y Axis for transverse direction movements, and Z axis for vertical direction movements. For Example : Milling Machine.

References :
Petruzella, D. Frank (1996). Industrial Electronics. New York : McGraw-Hill 
Nugraha, R. Andias (2014). Manufacturing Process Labwork Module.Bandung : Prosman Laboratory Telkom Universty

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